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Furuichi Seicha

Furuichi Seicha

天菜豐巢VeGood(簡稱: VG)透過成大智研溫博士協助分別已與十餘家有機認證通過的農場簽訂產銷供貨協議,並藉由清大資訊電機學院黃院長在AI科技農業與區塊鏈(Blockchain)技術,將所有交易的過程記錄下來,而任何存取者都可以檢視資料的來源與歷程可溯源特性,協助合作的台灣在地有機農場精準控管成本、提供產量、品質嚴格把關。天菜豐巢餐廳所提供的葉菜類、根莖類、水果等食材通過SGS驗證作業、無農藥驗證及上述有機農產品驗證等各項指標性考驗,層層篩選為您的食安把關,讓您吃得開心也安心。
Strictly selected organic. Embrace health. Benefit the crowd
Furuichi Seicha Manufacturing started selling Kagoshima tea in Southern Kyushu in 1984 and growing and producing tea leaves.
Unique natural environment
Soil formed by Sakurajima volcanic ash, warm climate all year round, plenty of sunshine, etc...
The tea leaves made by the ancient city are highly praised throughout Japan
hand-kneading tea
Zhilan tea is famous for its emerald green color and rich fragrance.
Zhilan has a superior natural environment, surrounded by mountains, surrounded by clouds, the climate is warm, and the light is sufficient.
The most important thing is that the volcanic ash emitted by the active volcano of Sakurajima enriches the soil here,
The taste is more different thickness.
Planting in the purest water
Organic tea grown from the purest water in Kagoshima, Japan, through the award-winning Furuichi Tea Co., Ltd.,
Made with sophisticated and unique technology,
Combined with Sakurayama hot spring mineral water in Kagoshima, Japan,
Whether it is hot or cold, you will experience the natural sweetness, smoothness and sweetness of the soft realm.